Our Story

In 2017, five girls and a dog named Luca had a big dream. They wanted to forever change the way we reward our beloved woofs. From then on, Luca and The Five Girls have been crafting and spreading paw-sitive and healthy dog treats across the country.

It all started at art camp

At 6 years old a seed was planted as these 5 girls joined their aunt for their first of ten summers of learning, creativity, and brave endeavors. What started as an idea for a lemonade in 2017 turned into a passionate adventure, building Luca’s from the grrrrround up.

Launching with heart

The girls started testing recipes, creating artful packaging and selling in the neighborhood. As the business has grown they have partnered with a packaging workforce employing disabled adults, chosen recyclable cartons, used organic ingredients, given back to their community and have been so grateful for their customers, advisors, partners, friends and family.

Healthy Treats From The Beginning

We believe that you can’t live a happy life without a dog. And, you can only have a dog that lives a long happy life if you feed them tasty organic treats. Our NUMMERS are a few more dollars than your average treat but if spending a few more dollars every month can avoid an expensive trip to the vet – it is so worth it!

Giving Back

We also believe every dog deserve a happy home, which is why part of our proceeds are donated to the Animal Human Society, Pets and People Together Food Shelf, Como Zoo, Highlands Elementary, and Hennepin Pediatric Healthcare.

A note from Susan

“In the end, we only regret the chances we did not take.”

These five amazing girls asked me to teach them about art during their summer vacation when they were six. None of us had any idea the adventures we would encounter.

We have loved our days together. And each day has been captured on film. Art Camp became Art and Fun Camp when they were eight, which evolved into Art, Fun and Business Camp. Starting a business became their vision when they were ten. It began with an idea of selling lemonade. I pushed them to think bigger and they decided on organic dog treats.

Our journey together has been about celebrating tricky treats, doing fantastical things and filling every moment with play and joy. I have always encouraged them to take giant leaps whether with L&T5G and other areas of their lives. Always being there for them – no judgement - just encouragement to Think Big and Believe in Yourself.

Together, we have made something quite good. Not just the treats. Not just to benefit the five girls. But to also inspire others to take kids seriously, love them and help them be the best they can be.

This journey has been pretty amazing for all of us.
My mantra for these amazing girls...

“Think Big & Believe in Yourself.”